摘要: 50、60、70、80、90 后,五个年代、五个人;一个人、一个年代,讲述着他们年代的故事。关于职业选择、关于设计风格、关于行业发展、关于工作与兴趣,还有理想……
50、60、70、80、90 后,五个年代、五个人;一个人、一个年代,讲述着他们年代的故事。关于职业选择、关于设计风格、关于行业发展、关于工作与兴趣,还有理想……
Born in 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, these five persons stand for five different ages. They are telling their own stories about choice of the profession, their style of design, sector development, jobs and interests, and their ambitions.
50陆章 老一辈照明人的赤子之心
Lu Zhang of 1950s, lighting man of older generation with a child-like heartages. They are telling their own stories about choice of the ambitions.
陆 章 南京基恩照明科技有限公司董事长
Lu Zhang, Chairmen of the Board, Nanjing GAIN Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.
Nicknamed himself “Rustic lighting man”,Lu Zhang will also not hesitate to criticize. Known by many others, he is straightforward, liking telling the truth. He said, man born in his age were not afraid of difficulties, since the difficulties and bitterness they encountered when they were young, making them strong enough to overcome any setbacks in life. Meanwhile, he really believes suffering is a big fortune for life.
Lu Zhang got in touch with lighting design relatively earlier, and his generation of lighting designers pays more attention to the pragmatic use of the design. They will not design just for the design’s sake. Instead, they will reason and argue, rigorously like scientists. Even though lighting industry is more competitive, and lighting design is harder to do than before, Lu Zhang still maintain an optimistic belief about the industry. He said, to resolve the problem of not easy to do, the only way is to do it well.
60张 子 征 照明设计行业砥柱
Zhang Zizheng of 1960s,mainstay of Lighting Design Industry
Zhang Zizheng, Chief Designer, Shenzhen Kinda Lighting Co., Ltd.
张子征,60 年代生人,入行超过20 年,为人低调、务实;有干劲、有远见,是国内照明系统集成行业首家上市公司的副总经理兼首席设计师。60 后这一代人,许多人在经历了激动、磨砺、奋斗之后,已经成为了社会各个行业的中流砥柱,他们年富力强,成绩斐然,且富有个人魅力。张子征就是其中之一。
Zhang Zizheng, born in 1960s, now has more than 20 years’ experiences of lighting design. He is low-key, pragmatic, hard-working and foresighted, working as the chief designer in a lighting system integration company which is the first in this sector to be listed on the public stock market. After years of exiting work, many people of the generation of 1960s now become mainstay of their working industry. They are in the prime of their life, and are making significant cant achievements. They are full of personal charm, and Zhang is one of them.
As the first designer in the sector to draw lighting effect picture, Zhang Zizheng witnesses and leads the development of lighting design in China. He deeply believes the role and responsibility of design to the society and the life. Despite the drawbacks of domestic lighting design, such as small scale, loose management, and lack of renowned design companies and designers, Zhang still believes the good future of lighting industry, and he is fighting for it.
70苏 昊 设计介于理想与现实
Su Su Hao of 1970s, design between dream and real world
苏昊 北京鱼禾光环境设计有限公司总经理
Su Hao, General Manager, Beijing Yuheguang Environment Design Co., Ltd.stay of Lighting Design
Like the others in his generation, Su Hao has a dream but also struggles in the real world. They have accepted traditional culture and revolutionary education, but are also influenced by reform and opening up ideas. Su said, the beliefs of value and life of his generation have been attacked and smashed into pieces by the hustle and rustle world. Even though their life goal is not about human improvement or country rejuvenation, they are working to improve life and change the society.
Su Hao learned architecture in the college, and later set up his own business and entered lighting design industry. Like Su Hao, his generation of designers are both pragmatic and enthusiastic. Su said he can sense that someone is not very sure about the future of this industry, but he is optimistic about it. Just because of the immature of the industry, so there will be many valuable things to do to develop the industry. No matter it is from the point of science and research, education, make regulations or the project itself, as many as you are determined to do, they are all contributions to the industry.
80侯林楠 “光”为自己代言
Hou Linlan of 1980s, speak for himself only
侯林男 深圳光华联照明设计事务所有限公司设计总监
Hou Linlan, Design Director, Shenzhen Hualian Light Co., Ltd.
侯林楠说,他听到对自己最有趣的评价是:毒舌。作为一名80 后设计师,侯林楠有着这一年代人身上鲜明的特征,不满现状又安于现状。受改革开发和互联网思维的影响,这一代人彰显个性,有着浓厚的叛逆色彩,放任不羁爱自由。
Hou Linlan said the most interesting comments by others to him is “poison tongue”. As a designer born in 1980s, Hou has distinct characteristics of his generation. They are not satisfied with current condition but are willing to live in it. Influenced by reform and opening up, and the internet thinking, men of this generation like to show themselves, they are fighting against the realistic world, and pursue freedom.
Hou Linlan is a humorous man and he loves doing sports in his spare time. Even through there are designers around him complaining about the industry, and live with no hope, but Hou is optimistic about the future of the industry. He believes many others are doing good things to the development of the industry, such as designing more qualified works by their own hard working.
90王 根 照明职场新人
Wang Gen of 1990s, newcomer in lighting industry
王根 福建工大建筑设计院景观照明所设计师
Wang Gen, Designer, Landscape Design Center of Fujian Engineering University Architecture Design Institute
王根,这名字有一种50 后的即视感,但实际上,王根却是一个不折不扣的90 后。他的QQ 头像是一幅自画像,最显眼的地方是额头上贴了一块创可贴。问他为什么会贴一块创可贴?王根的答案是:“比较酷呀!”答案出乎意料又在情理之中,让人觉得这真是一名90 后的设计师。
Wang Gen, whose name reminds us of a man born in 1950s. However, Wang is actually born after 1990. His icon of QQ is a self-portrait, and there is a band-aids attached on his forehead. when asked why there was a band-aids, he replied “This is cool!”. His answer is out of expectation but also makes sense, and makes you quickly know that he is really a designer of 1990s.
90 后正在成为职场的后起之秀,王根所在的单位, 他这个年龄的设计师就有四、五个。王根说,他们90 后这一代人,有些傻得像00 后,有些却精明得像60 后。他们对新事物的接受能力更强,在审美观和价值观上也与前人有很大的不同,个性也更为鲜明,也更熟练地掌握着社会的游戏规则,更关心怎么舒服地生存下去。对于设计,对于工作,王根说:“一切皆可能,毕竟我们还年轻!”
The generation of 1990s are becoming rising stars in the job market. In Wang’s company, there are four to five more of his ages. Wang said among his generation of 1990s, some were as innocent as the 2000s, and some shrewd as the 1960s. Men of this generation are quicker than others to accept new things, and they have different aethestic standard, value, and distinct personality. They know better than others how to live in this society, and they care more how to live more comfortably. As to the design, Wang said, “everything is possible as we are young!”
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