摘要: 去年4月,一封“世界那么大,我想去看看”的辞职信燃起了一片关于“情怀”的讨论,这位昔日的人民教师被戏称实现了“全国人民的理想”。然而,她并没有走得很远,从郑州到成都,结婚,开客栈,怀孕……似乎已经走上了正常的轨道。当然,她已经跳出了原来的圈子、原来的眼界,也算是另一种“看世界”。
Last April, a letter of resignation, which written “There is such a lot of world to see”, sparked a national wide discussion about sentiment. Many people joked that this former teacher realized what all of us dreaming for. However, she actually did not go very far, just from Zhengzhou to Chengdu, getting married and pregnant, and opening a guesthouse… Everything was back to the right track. She did jumped out of her former track, and this was perhaps another kind of go out and see a world.
关于“看世界”,我们也问了照明设计师们的看法, 只有36% 的人表示想过辞职转行,而大部分人对于转行后的计划也偏向于现实和理性。要知道,在参与调查的设计师中,80 后、90 后占了78%。年轻人,你为什么不出去“看世界”?《华严经》说:“一切诸果。皆从因起。”也许我们无法穷尽因果的奥秘,只求对庞大的数据进行收集、整理、分析,从而探知一二,也希望引起大家的思考,既要看世界,也要“看见”自己。
We asked many lighting designers about “see the world”, and surprisingly, only 36% ever think about changing career and most of designers make a realistic plan for the future. Whilst, among participants of the investigation,78% designers belong to the 1980s and 1990s generation. Young as you are, why dont you go out and see the world? As Avatamsaka Sutra written, “all the effects are resulting from the cause”. We can’t fully understand the effect and cause, but we can collect and analyze the data, and find out something. We hope this can also help you to reflect, since if you want to see a world, you need also see yourself.
First, do you ever think about changing a career?
有 Yes 36%
无 No 64%
Why do you wish to change a career?
年薪不够花 Payment is not good enough
< ¥100,000 45%
70 后 1970s 6% 80 后 1980s 56% 90 后 1990s 3 8%
¥100,000-200,000 37%
60 后 1960s 4% 70 后 1970s 3 1% 80 后 1980s 60% 90 后 1990s 5%
¥200,001-1,000,000 16%
60-70 后 1960s-1970s 37% 80 后 1980s 63%
> ¥ 1,000,000 12%
压力太大 Great pressure
很大压力 Too much to bear 22%
70 后 1970s 14% 80 后 1980s 54% 90 后 1990s 3 2%
有压力,但我扛得住I can stand the pressure 76%
60 后 1960s 3% 70 后 1970s 16% 80 后 1980s 59% 90 后 1990s 22%
没有压力No pressure 2%
已沦为“加班狗”Becomes an“Overtime Dog”
每周10 小时以内 Within 10 hours/week 55%
每周10-20 小时 10-20 hours/week 27%
每周20 小时以上 Over 20 hours/week 16%
从不加班 Never 2%
晋升空间不大Hard to be promoted
有晋升空间Have promotion 44%
无晋升空间Have no promotion 56%
培训机会少 Little career training
(1) 参加过职业培训吗?
Have you ever participated in any career training?
有 Yes 38% 没有 No 62%
(2) 公司有没有内部培训?
Any internal training?
有 Yes 45% 没有 No 55%
If you don’t want to be a lighting designer any more, what will you do?
现实派Realistic Plan:72%
继续混设计/ 工程界(平面、产品、室内、软装、建筑、机械、电气)
Continue to be in design/engineering sector (Graphic design,
product design, interior design, domestic decoration, architecture,
machinery&electronic sector)
Start a business (open a small store, sell breakfast food, sell
barbecue food……)
Teacher (teacher in school, or in training center)
项目经理/ 销售
Project Manager/sales
金融/ 投资
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