LUXEON CZ 彩光系列——2018神灯奖申报技术
摘要: LUXEON CZ 彩光系列,为亮锐(上海)管理有限公司2018神灯奖申报技术。
项目名称: LUXEON CZ 彩光系列
申报单位: 亮锐(上海)管理有限公司 (Lumileds Company)
LUXEON CZ Color Line 是具有先进光学性能的彩光和白光 LED 系列。LUXEON CZ Color Line 可实现最佳的照明效果,是建筑、娱乐及应急车辆照明应用的最佳 LED 解决方案。
Lowest Thermal resistance and same focal height (最低的热阻和相同的焦距):
Lumileds delivers up to 48% higher “punch” than competitors in broadest color choices. To meet the recent market trend of color tuning fixtures with narrow beam angles and maximum punch, Lumileds has developed the LUXEON CZ Color Line, which consists of 21 LED color options including 13 color and 8 white LEDs. The product line additionally eliminates crosstalk, ensuring a true color point when LEDs are packed closely together.
与竞争对手相比,Lumileds 提供更高 “光冲击”--高达 48% ,提供最广泛的颜色选择。为适应目前的市场趋势 - 窄光束角和最大冲击颜色的调控夹具,Lumileds 开发了 LUXEON CZ Color Line,其中包括 21 种 LED 颜色选项,含 13 彩色和 8 种白色 LED。该产品线还消除了串扰,确保当 LED 紧密封装时的真正色点。
-2x2mm2 小型均匀封装
-最佳照明效果 (cd/lm)
Customers have been asking for a color LED product that delivers high punch in a broad range of colors. LUXEON CZ Color Line satisfies these requirements and also goes above and beyond by eliminating crosstalk, which can happen when direct color LEDs are closely spaced with phosphor converted LEDs. In addition to industry-leading punch and eliminating crosstalk, customers have also been very impressed with how LUXEON CZ makes fixture designs with narrow beam angles possible. Leveraging the robust building blocks of the award-winning LUXEON C Color Line, LUXEON CZ also features an identical focal length, which enables superior color mixing.
客户始终需要广泛颜色和高光强的高品质彩色 LED 产品的供应。LUXEON CZ Color Line 通过消除当直接彩色 LED 与荧光转换 LED 紧密间隔期间所产生的串扰,满足并超越了这些要求。除了业界领先的效果和串扰消除,LUXEON CZ 能使燈具设計出窄角度光束成为可能, 也令客户印象深刻。利用已获奖的 LUXEON C Color Line 壮实的LED结构单元,LUXEON CZ 以相同的焦距,将卓越的色彩混合。
亮锐通用照明业务所推出的突破性LED照明产品, 被先后应用于世界首台LED背光电视以及世界首部配备LED闪光灯的照相手机。
历经百年的业界“首创”历程,我们在为客户提供足以信赖的端对端供应链的同时,不断开发出改变游戏规则的照明技术。我们的LUXEON LEDs可与各种新的控制选项,光色转换技术等相结合,提供无与论比的光效和便利性。